Yes, my daughter is gay.

Yes, my daughter is gay...
No, I wasn't devastated when she 'Came out'...All I want for both my daughters is a happy life and for them to feel safe and comfortable with who they are.

She is still that funny little girl that made us smile when she got all her words mixed up..... 
The little girl that loved Unicorns and wanted to be a mermaid when she grew up. 
The little girl that liked to get dressed up as a fairy.
The little girl whose best friend was a teddy bear called Sparkle.
Being gay doesn't change a thing...

No, it isn't a phase that she will grow out of.
She didn't 'choose' to be gay, just like you didn't 'choose' to be straight.
"Does she look Gay?" - I have no idea, what does 'Gay' look like?
Yes, she is in a relationship, but please don't ask me THAT question... "Which one is the man in the relationship?".......Neither of them is, they are both girls, that's kind of the whole point of it...
No, it doesn't mean she will fancy you just because you are female...
Yes, she wants to have a family.....It is still possible you know! (There are ways and means!)

No, she doesn't dress like a boy, she wears clothes that she feels comfortable in and that suit her personality and mood....It might be jeans and a tee-shirt, or it might be a dress....Isn't that the same for all of us?
No, being Gay isn't all about sex. It is an emotion.
No my daughter doesn't know your gay friend that lives around the corner from you...There are millions of gay people in the world, they don't all live together in a small close knit community.
Yes, she IS beautiful...Please don't look surprised! Being gay doesn't mean that you are ugly or that you look like something that has escaped from the planet Zog.

My daughter is one of the kindest, most considerate, honest and caring people you could ever hope to meet. 
She is intelligent, non-judgemental, quirky, she loves the colour purple, adores animals, loves children, is a Vegetarian, has an amazing sense of humour, enjoys afternoon naps, she hates intolerance, is sometimes moody, loves hedgehogs, is never on time! She won't suffer fools gladly...... 
And yes, my daughter is gay.....

With her big sister, Rachael

 Sarah and her lovely girlfriend, Leah

The only real difference between my daughter and your daughter is the gender of her partner.



  1. Great piece ..really loved reading that .......I must admit she doesn't look gay ...I mean she has no horns or a tail like lucifer. Xx


  2. Praise God and know I will not judge any one based on any thing all God's children are just that and I think we should follow Jesus and love all people no mater what the chose in the LIFE I have a lot of friend and brothers and sister who are gay and I ask God to bless them as anybody so I say God bless you all and God's blessings be with you always' Lovingly in Christ Rev. Samuel Mack, OMS, DD

  3. well its refreshing to hear a parent see thier daughter as who she is beautifull funny and loving if we had more of that it the world instead of titles which i think are over rated and god don't judge who we love he judges who we hurt just thought i would throw that in there as well love to all your family <3 <3

  4. I read but really i love her she is beautiful GOD bless her always


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