Sleep! I remember that!

5th October 2013

So it's 2.32am.
I can't sleep....
Because there are thousands of invisible insects crawling all over my skin!
They crawl up my legs and arms across my face and then wriggle about in the places nobody else dare venture!

This doesn't happen every night. Some nights I can't sleep because one minute I am that hot that it feels like the only way to stop me spontaneously combusting would be to lie outside in the street and have buckets of freezing cold water thrown over me! Then the next I am that cold that I just want to come downstairs, wrapped up in a blanket and cuddle up in front of the fire...On nights like those my night clothes are on and off all night long!

Then there are the nights that I'm that bloated I am convinced that at any moment I am going to explode all over the bedroom!

And let's not forget the nights when I lie there really tired, comfy and all snuggled up, I'm just drifting off into dreamland, when a thought suddenly pops into my head...just a random thought about nothing in particular, which leads to another thought and then another...until my head is that full that I become agitated beyond compare!

But tonight it's the I either lie in bed for hours on end scratching myself raw or I come downstairs and do something to take my mind of here I am!

At one time, 3 years or so back....The only problem I had with sleeping was not being able to wake up!
Oh! How I long for those times to come back!

Oh! The joys of the Menopause!!!


  1. Omg you are like my new best friend. This is great. My kids are always saying. " mom" Cause I put it out there. But blogging I want to....You sound just like me. Oh and whispering I know they are crawling...I know. Lol You are the best.

    1. Lol good to know I am not the only one!!

  2. It is so funny, you have described my feelings.God Bless!

  3. Like what you have experience,it was happened also to me. I just cast out in the name of JESUS CHRIST because its evil spirit...just pray the prayer of St. Benedict.


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