Missing tweezers....

Over a week ago I lost my beloved tweezers...What you have to appreciate is that when you get to my age random, unbelievably long! whiskers suddenly start sprouting from your eyebrows....Yeah ok! I admit it, when I say eyebrows I really mean chin! (But don't tell anyone!) so losing one's tweezers can actually be quite traumatic! 
My tweezers have become my best friend! I remember EXACTLY where I left them in the bathroom...Hey! They are important to me, so I ALWAYS remember where I have left them in case of emergencies! But when the time came that I needed them again, they had gone, disappeared, vanished! 
I searched the whole house 100 times and went on about it that much that Paul searched the house too! 
Eventually I just gave up on them....
Then yesterday, just as I was about to leave the house, I looked in the mirror to admire myself...like ya do! All I could see was this great big, long, waving hair that had clearly been cultivating in the past week! And at EXACTLY the same moment that I was trying to, un-successfully, pluck it out with my fingers and thinking "I MUST remember to buy some new tweezers tomorrow" ....Paul shouts downstairs, "I see you found your tweezers then!" 
Apparently as he walked in our bedroom the first thing he saw, plonked in the middle of our bed, was my beloved tweezers!
I've come to the conclusion that either Paul has some kind of weird plucking fetish that he's too ashamed to own up to, or my house is haunted by a ghost with perfectly plucked eyebrows (Or chin!)

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