
My hair has always been my favourite part of me, my crowning glory so to speak.
I'm lucky in that I have very thick hair that is easy to style....that's not to say that every style I have had has suited me!!

After being a blond all my life about 3 years ago I decided to dye it a really dark shade, almost black. I wasn't particularly happy with the person I was back then so wanted to change ME....I wanted to be someone else....Mistake number one!

It was great for about 3 months...but then I got bored of it and wanted to be blond again...not as easy as I had thought, following numerous hair treatments and attempts at stripping the colour out it ended up a sort of orange colour. Not a good look!
It took me 12 months to get back to being blond again..and I felt happy and comfortable being ME.

The experience taught me that changing the way you look doesn't change the person that you are.
You are and always will be, the same person inside! All you can try to do is become a better version of yourself!

Anyway enough of me's what, according to 'experts', YOUR hairstyle says about YOU.

 Pulled Back in a Ponytail....(Nah, ain't gonna happen, with my hair like this I just look like a lady with a very small head!)
While it seems like an innocent schoolyard do, ponytail wearers tend to be surprisingly bold between the sheets. In fact, pulling your hair away from your eyes rather than hiding behind it indicates sexual self-confidence.
 Hot love tip: You like your lovemaking fast and furious. Surprise your guy (and yourself) by lighting a few candles and slowing down the action long enough to enjoy some extended nooky sessions.

If you always look like you just stepped out of the salon even when you're home alone, you love order and consistency in all of your personal encounters. In fact, you may be happiest when you're orchestrating an erotic encounter rather than following his lead.
Hot love tip: Always being in control may keep you from surrendering to the moment. Tonight, have him blindfold you, so you're forced to lose control — and let him take over.....(Ooooer! maybe it's time to get the hair spray and straighteners out again!!)

Wild and Free Hair...(This is me now!)
Loving your hair's untamed state is a sign that you're comfortable in your own skin. You're likely to be relaxed about life, love and sex. You'll let yourself go in bed without fear of getting messed up. You're happy to do the deed wherever you get the erotic urge.
Hot love tip: Love running your fingers through your own hair? Gestures like that usually mean you're longing to do it to your guy. So touch him where you like to be touched, and he'll probably return the favour.

 Thrown Up in a Messy Bun
Chances are, you crave glamour in the boudoir. Bun girls really enjoy male attention. (don't we all?!) The neck is the most sexual part of a woman's body, so exposing it is a subconscious way of flirting and showing you're available. Your ideal warm-up includes sipping drinks in a petal-strewn tub and kissing on satin sheets...(Seriously?! Do people really do that?)
Hot love tip: A new guy might think you're high-maintenance, so let him know that his romantic efforts are worth it — once revved, you're capable of rich, sensuous love trysts....

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